Transportation Details
Camp Buses
Bus Stops
Pantops Shopping Center
Food Lion parking lot near Jiffy Lube
570 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911
Rio Hill Shopping Center
Near Five Below
1790 Rio Hill Center Charlottesville, VA 22901
Wegmans Shopping Center
back of wegmans parking lot
100 Wegmans Way Charlottesville, VA 22902
Piedmont Store
Gravel Lot across the street
2958 Browns Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932
Bus Details
Picking a Bus Stop:
Select your bus stop at the time of registration. If no bus stop is indicated, we will not place your camper on a bus, and you will need to provide her transportation to and from camp. The same bus stop must be used for morning and afternoon. Changes from one bus/stop to another are highly discouraged after June 1, not always possible, and will result in a $25 bus change fee per day if space on the bus is available and approved by the camp director.
Bus Times:
Bus times will be provided in the camper letter mailed home prior to the start of camp. Those times are best estimates, so please arrive early to allow time to check your camper on and off the bus.
Thursday/Friday Transportation:
No transportation will be provided Thursday evening or Friday morning. For those campers who choose not to overnight, parents will be responsible for transporting their daughters to and from camp at those times.
Bus Drop-off Procedures:
Arrive at least 10 minutes before the time listed above to allow time to check in your camper each morning. Please do not give your bus captain any notes, forms, or money - your camper should give those to their unit leaders once at camp. Give medications to the bus captain to be given to the camp medic.
Bus Pick-up Procedures:
Arrive at least 10 minutes before the time listed above as the bus will not wait for late parents. When the bus captain gets off the bus, show them a photo ID, and sign your camper out for the day. Campers will be released ONLY to their parent/guardian or the people specified on their registration form. If you need to make a change to this pick-up list, send in a note or call the camp before 3:00 pm that day. If the person assigned to pick up the camper at the bus is not waiting at the bus stop at the time the bus arrives, the camper will remain on the bus until the bus reaches the last stop as the bus will NOT remain at the stop once all campers have exited the bus. Failure to pick your camper up on time will result in a late fee of $1.00 per minute for each minute that the bus captain must wait. Please arrange your daily plans carefully so that the system will run smoothly and safely.
Family Drivers
Camp Directions
Camp Sugar Hollow
6351 Sugar Hollow Road Crozet, VA 22932
This address is NOT a mailing address; there is no mail service at camp.
Parent Driver Details
If your camper is not riding the bus, she will need to be dropped off and picked up at camp each day.
Driver Drop-off Procedure:
Drop-off begins at 9:00. Each camper must be signed in before exiting their vehicle. When you drop off your camper, you will need to enter the second gate, loop along the fence line, stop at the shelter in the field, stay in your car, and sign in your camper based on the camper number placard in your window.
If your camper is arriving late, park in the second parking lot, walk to Patterson Hall (the brown building behind the flag pole), sign your daughter in with office staff.
Driver Pick-up procedure:
Pick-up is at 4:30, following the flag ceremony. Once the flag ceremony is over, staff will meet families in the car pick-up line and dismiss girls four to six campers at a time. Similar to the morning, you will enter the second gate, loop along the fence line, and stop at the shelter. Campers will be called based on the placard in your window. When you arrive, stay in your car, show a photo ID, and sign your camper out for the day. Campers will be released ONLY to their parent/guardian or the people specified on their registration form. If you need to make a change to this pick-up list, send in a note or call the camp before 3:00 pm that day.
If your camper is being picked up early, park in the second parking lot, and come to Patterson Hall. Show your photo ID to the office staff, and sign your camper out for the day.
Driving Safety:
The roads to Camp Sugar Hollow are narrow and windy. You will also cross two one-lane bridges as you get close to camp. Many runners and bicyclists share our love for this area and exercise on these roads. It is really important for our camp buses, camper families, and neighbors that you follow all speed limits and drive carefully. GPS and cell service are limited, so have driving directions ready before you head towards camp.
Requesting a Change to Transportation Plans
June 1
On June 1, registration closes and all registration information is used to create unit rosters, bus lists, and parent driver lists. These documents total over 144 pages of color copies. Any requests for transportation changes after that date will result in a $25 paperwork processing fee per day and is subject to Director approval based on bus availability.
This fee is applicable for all changes, including:
Changing from one bus stop to another
Changing from bus to parent driver or vice versa
If your camper usually rides the bus but is being picked up at camp one day (swim meet, family event, doctor’s appointment, etc.), please send in a note or call the camp office by 2:00 so that we can manually move your camper from the bus list to the parent driver list.