Adult Staff
Sugar Hollow Day Camp is staffed entirely by volunteers. We are always looking for adults to volunteer their time as unit leaders or other camp helpers. Enjoy nature, reminisce about your childhood camp, and spend the best week ever with your daughter and other young women. Want to join the fun?
Adult positions are for the whole session (Monday-Friday, including the overnight) or partial week. Volunteers can choose between helping with one or both sessions. Positions as unit leaders and camp helpers are needed each year. All volunteers must register with GSUSA, consent to a criminal background check, and attend the SHDC staff training.
Staffing Timeline
October-December - Staff apply & register for camp
January-July - Staff prepare and train for camp
Two Adult Staff Positions
Unit Leader
Adults co-lead a unit of approximately 10 to 24 girls at camp. About half of camp programming is organized by camp leadership, and half is decided by the unit co-leaders. We use the outdoor progression program to help plan program. Therefore, girls are placed in units according to grade level in school as follows:
Tagalong: PreK & Boys Sibling Unit(s)
Rising 1st Grade: Discoverer Unit
Rising 2nd-3rd Grade: Brownie Units
Rising 4th Grade: Fly Up Unit
Rising 5th-6th Grade: Junior Units
Rising 7th Grade: Cadette Unit
Camp Support
Adults support a variety of specialty programs around camp. These include administrative positions, camp cook, camp medic, and archery range master. Administrative positions are filled in the fall, and other positions are filled in the winter/spring.
Administrative Team: Directors, Food & Meal Coordinator, and Health & Safety Coordinator
Camp Cooks: Come to camp Wed and Thurs afternoon or evening, as well as, Friday morning to help prepare camp meal dishes.
Camp Medic: Run the camp clinic within our office, and help with camp risk management procedures.
Archery Range Master: Run the archery range Mon-Friday and teach archery safety and skills for the Fly Up through Cadette units.
Lifeguard: Run the swimming station on Wednesday.
Adult Staff Fees
Adults: no fee
If not already, all volunteers must become Girl Scouts and pay the $32 registration fee with GSUSA.
Adult Staff Discounts
Full week staff daughter registration: $50/camper
($200 discount per child)
Partial week (3 days of service) staff daughter registration: $125/camper
($125 discount per child)
Adult Staff Training Sessions
SHDC New Staff Welcome: TBD
SHDC All-Staff Training: April 26, 2025
Thank you for your interest! 2025 staff applications will open soon!